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Friday, December 23, 2011

A Life Saver: Google Chrome Session Manager

I'm sorry Firefox, but I'm doing most of my browsing in Google Chrome now. It's lightweight and just plain fast. Yes, I still use Firefox too, but we'll save that for a later post.

 If you're like me, you browse with tabs, and at times have several windows open with several tabs in each window. Call me crazy, but I try to keep tabs categorized in their own windows. Entertainment in one window, social sites in another. You get the idea. Sometimes, I'll leave a set of tabs open for days, because it contains information on current research. Unfortunately, it can be a hassle to wade through this mess of windows and tabs.

Introducing: Chrome Session Manager. This is one of the best discoveries I've had in a while. Session Manager allows you to save sessions of tabs and windows that can be reopened and viewed at a later time. Now, I can actually close that bloated window and reopen it (with just a few clicks) when I'm feeling up to it.

Here are the two sessions I have at the moment:
  1. Social - This opens Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
  2. Research - This opens tabs dealing with software that I'm currently researching.

Here's How:

If you don't have Google Chrome, install it by clicking here.

  • Click here to go to the Session Manager download page.
  • Click "+ ADD TO CHROME."
  • Go through the installation process.
  • Once installed, the Session Manager icon will appear on your toolbar.

  • Click the Session Manager Icon.
  • Enter a name for you new session and click save. This will save all of your current windows and tabs as a new session.

  • To open a saved session, just click the Session Manager icon, and then click "Open" next to the session you would like to restore.


  1. I've been using Chrome since the summer. Before that I was a Firefox devotee, but Chrome seems cleaner than Firefox somehow, plus I love the omni-bar. Didn't know about the session manager thing though--that's, like, a revelation to me. Just installed. My life will probably never be the same.

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